
Energy after Fire
The fossil fuel system wastes two thirds of its primary energy, mostly in turning heat into work. We don't have to do that any more.
The Race to the Top in Six Charts and Not Too Many Numbers
How the three key regions compare in the energy transition.
The Rise of Batteries in Six Charts and Not Too Many Numbers
A summary of the growth of batteries and their impact on the energy transition.
The Eight Deadly Sins of Analyzing the Energy Transition
There are 8 profound weaknesses in the way that people model the energy transition. From linear thinking to a focus on endgame issues rather than change today.
The Energy Transition in Five Charts and Not Too Many Numbers
A summary of the key drivers of the energy transition.
The IEA Confirms that Fossil Fuel Demand Is Peaking
The IEA confirms peaking fossil fuel demand.
The IEA Calls Time on the Fossil Fuel Era
The IEA starts to forecast peak fossil fuel demand.
The political tipping point: Why the politics of energy will follow the economics
As cleantech costs fall below fossil fuels, so politicians will embrace the cleantech revolution.
The dawn of the age of solar
The high and rising energy return on investment of renewables enables them to replace fossil fuels which have low and falling EROI.
Marginal change moves markets
Markets are driven by peaks not by what happens in the endgame.
Consensus energy forecasts: Why theyare wrong
Consensus is massively underestimating the growth of cleantech.