
A Theory of Rapid Transition: How S-Curves Work and What We Can Do to Accelerate Them
How S-curves work to drive technology change.
Peaking: A Theory of Rapid Transition
Why rapid growth of the new leads to peaks of the old.
The IEA Calls Time on the Fossil Fuel Era
The IEA starts to forecast peak fossil fuel demand.
Spiralling Disruption: The feedback loops of the energy transition
Once you reach peak demand, so feedback loops speed up change.
Reach for the Sun: The emerging market electricity leapfrog
Emerging markets are leapfrogging direct to renewables.
The Sky’s the Limit: Solar and wind energy potential is 100 times as much as global energy demand
Renewable potential is 100x larger than fossil fuel extraction.
Nothing to lose but your chains: The emerging market transport leapfrog
Emerging markets can avoid fossil fuel dependency by embracing EV.
Decline and Fall: The Size & Vulnerability of the Fossil Fuel System
The fossil fuel system is huge and faces decline and fall as growth dries up.
The A-Z of the Energy Transition: Knowns and Unknowns
Technology clarity and political uncertainty in the energy transition.
The political tipping point: Why the politics of energy will follow the economics
As cleantech costs fall below fossil fuels, so politicians will embrace the cleantech revolution.
A New World: The Geopolitics of the Energy Transition
The energy transition will lead to a very different geopolitical environment.
2020 Vision: why you should see the fossil fuel peak coming
Why the rapid growth of renewables will lead to peak fossil fuel demand.
The dawn of the age of solar
The high and rising energy return on investment of renewables enables them to replace fossil fuels which have low and falling EROI.